update! Julie G did a good story on our blog, check it out!
I was actually a little nervous for the 3 days as I was sick for 2 weeks and only had one week to start working out and get a little saddle time in before the ride. All in all it went really good and I'm ready to do it again! Sounds like it may be family trip next year with Mom, Tracee, and any other family that wants to come along. I will definitely have to get more riding in before doing a whole week though.
A couple highlight pics of the week.
I had to take a picture with the Red Hat Ladies! They were having a blast waving, talking and watching all the cyclists.
Coon Rapids had their mascot lying on the road as roadkill! I really felt sorry for the lady as it was VERY hot out! She was having a lot of fun and encouraging everyone to lie on the ground with her for pictures!