On Saturday Kyle and I headed back home and Alexa stayed behind to enjoy some G'ma and G'pa time. I started the task of cleaning once we got home. It's the only time I can really deep clean the house. It's always one of my tasks when Alexa is at one of the grandparents!
On Sunday Kyle and Taylor headed out to try and get 100 miles in on the bikes. They almost made it with 91.5 miles! More motivation than me, I only went out for about 1.5 hours and about 15-20 miles. Forgot to check my odometer when I got home! After I got home I finished my cleaning for the weekend. The only thing I have left is some laundry and go through the magazines!
Sunday night was over to the Reese household for the Annual Memorial Day party. It was a lot of fun. A great get-together with beer, food, friends and fun! Lots of people showed up and we had a blast!
Today we are just going to relax and enjoy the day. We have to go pick up Alexa and will probably grill out for supper. If it's not raining too hard!
Have a GREAT day!