Saturday I headed over to Adel with Julie G for the 1st annual Pieathlon. Run, Bike, and eat pie! We skipped the running part as neither of us was really up for it.
It was a great day for riding, a little cooler and overcast. I do so much better in that type of weather than in the intense sun!
The ride started out pretty good, hit some county roads to make our way over to Linden. On the way there I was impressed that all the vehicles that passed us were hugging the opposite side of the road and didn't cut back in front of us! Kudos to all driving between Adel and Linden on Sat. morning!!
Once we got to Linden we hopped onto the Raccoon River Valley Trail to head back to Adel. That's where the fun really started! A ways down the trail we came upon a tree down over the trail, not a big deal, hop off the bike, climb over, back on and off we go. Then we had to do it again, and again, and again, and....well you get the picture. About 8-10 down trees over the trail. One we came up on, I wasn't sure if we were going to get around it! We found a spot and squeezed our way through...a camera would have been ideal at this point! Of course, both Julie and I forgot to grab a camera!
Once back to Adel we were ready for our pie, we felt we had earned it doing some cyclocross action in with our road riding, on road bikes! Well, I got lucky and they had one piece of Apple left...what I wanted! Julie wasn't so lucky as that was the very last piece.
After eating our pulled pork sandwiches and my apple pie, we donned our swimsuits and took a dip in the pool. 66 degrees out and the water was GREAT! I kind of forgot how to just play in the pool, I couldn't think of anything fun to do. Hopefuly in the next couple of years, Alexa will change that and bring out the fun of the pool again instead of me just swimming laps!
On Triathlon training:
I rode bike a couple of times last week and tried to go for a run/walk with Alexa in the stroller. Going to have to probably go out and run after she is in bed. I hated running with the stoller. You can't get a good stride in and not being able to pump my arms was horrible!
I swam on Monday and got a mile in and then on Thursday I swam with the group and got another mile in. Hopefully this Thursday I'll be able to get out and run with them instead of coaching swim team.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Posted by
9:04 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Time to train...
...It's official, I've signed up at the Y to do the Sprint Triathlon! It is to get ready for the Cy-man Tri in Ames on Aug. 26th. The only part I'm really nervous about is the running. I was a sprinter in high school and quit running before due to shin splints...BAD! I'll just have to invest in some really good shoes and hope for the best.
He said it was fun and he had a good ride. He averaged about 25 mph and finished in just over an hour. Thanks to Taylor for letting him borrow his time-trial bike too. It's great to have a friend that's built just the same for bike fit!
A friend of ours, Jane Riessen, also participated and completed the whole event. She has done Tri's before, but this was the first time I got to see her in action! Here she is getting a high five at the finish!
Photo courtesy of
Also big congrats to another friend, Kristin Reese. This was her first Triathlon and she finished in just over 3 hours! Great Job!! Seeing the motivation Kristin had and watching her in the race was one of the factors that made me sign up for this sprint Triathlon training. Definitely not the feat she took on, but I thought it would be a good start for me!
I was able to see many other people I knew participate either as an individual or on a team. Great job by all and maybe I'll be with you next year!
Posted by
9:29 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Enjoyed my week
Alexa is coming back from G'ma and G'pa Sedore's tomorrow and I've missed her so much! I've stayed busy with working, cycling, swimming and cleaning this week. I am ready to get my baby girl back!Here she is playing in the pool, I hear she got lots of swimming time in.
Today I went on a bike ride with Julie G., we took the trail up the Dam hill, across the Dam and then back to Johnston to the Fire station for some pancakes!! After we were done eating we headed over to Irwin's, picked up a tandem and threw candy in the Johnston Green Days parade. After the parade, a short ride back to my place. It was a scorcher out there!! It was definitely nice to get back inside and do some cleaning in the air conditioning!
Tomorrow, the plan is to ride downtown watch the start of the Triathlon at Gray's Lake, ride over to the hill on Grand, then back over to the capitol to see the runners finish. It should be a good time. We know quite a few people in the amateur division.
I've been overcome with the Triathlon fever and am contemplating training for a sprint triathlon in 10 weeks. There is a training at the Y to help get ready for it. Should I do it? Can I do it? Check back and see!
Posted by
2:16 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
A new member of the family
The latest member of the Sedore family....We introduce to you...Bob!
Ty is not liking the new little guy so well. All she does is hiss at him. Heck I think she is mad at me too, I couldn't even go near her today as she hissed and growled at me too!
Hopefully over the next couple of days it will get better and they will get used to each other!
Posted by
5:28 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 they grow!
I got the privilege of watching my nephew Justin play baseball this last Friday. He is going to be a senior in the fall and it amazes me still to this day. It seems like yesterday that he was just 3 getting his picture taken with me during my senior pictures. He will always be special to me as my sister lived with us when he was born. Since she was going to school and working as a nurse's aid, I got to spend LOTS of time babysitting him. I can't believe he is almost 18, a legal adult!
Justin had a good game, he plays left field and had a couple of really good catches. They played a tough team and lost 0-3, not as bad as they thought it was going to be!
Alexa got to spend time with G'ma and G'pa Voetberg as I had a candle party Sat. during the day. Then Sat night we went to a bridal shower for my cousins fiance. I got to see a lot of my Mom's side of the family. I have a cousin that has a little girl 4 months younger than Alexa. They weigh the same, but Alexa has a little height on her!
Next week will be LOTS of bike riding as Alexa is spending a week with G'ma and G'pa Sedore. Hopefully it will help with my goal of 500 miles! I am also signed up for the pieathlon in Adel on June 23rd! Running, Biking and Pie!! Yep, no swimming, but hey, I get pie! All proceeds are split towards the Cancer centers here in Des Moines and the Livestrong Foundation. Another 30 miles to add that day! Yeah!
I really like the charity rides. Especially if the money is for a good cause like that. I get the good feeling that I am helping out and get some good exercise in the process!
Acts 20:35b — “The Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
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9:32 PM