I am now at 415 miles!!! I will definitely make it to 500, now we'll see how many more I get to set a goal for next year!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Slowly back into it....
....took it slow this week as I still wasn't feeling 100%.
Mon, Fri and Sat off from training.
Tues - headed to the Y after Alexa was put to bed. Got in 2.25 miles on the treadmill in 30 min. Would have got more if I didn't pull something in my groin! I wasn't happy as I was feeling really good! After I got done on the treadmill I wanted to do a little more so I sat on the exercise bike for about 15 minutes. Only 6 miles, but it was something!
Wed - Well, I guess I should call this a off night too. Was going to do the Irwin's ride and only got 1.09 miles in as my daughter threw an absolute fit about not wanting to be in her trailer...I was so frustrated!
Thurs - headed to waterworks with the training group. I parked at Gray's Lake and rode over to the meeting place. That was the first 4 miles. We then rode for 40 min around a 1 1/2 mile loop in waterworks. I ended up with 19 miles after heading back to Gray's Lake. I think I could have had more if it wasn't for the gravel patches on our loop. Really hurt my wrist and slowed me way down!
Sun - Rode for about 25 miles towards Waukee on the trail and then back on the trail to Grand. Up the Grand hill and then back home. Had to get a good hill in to work on my climbing legs!
Feeling really good and am going to get fully back into the swing of thing this week. The next week we head to CA for my cousins wedding so we'll see what happens with training then!
Posted by
8:55 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The training has started
Posted by
10:46 PM
Labels: bikes
Sunday, July 22, 2007
...took a big hit this week! I just did not feel good! Did not get anything done until Thursday. Swam about 3/4 of a mile and called it quit for the night. I haven't been able to do anything else since. Feeling better, just too busy with life activities.
Monday is supposed to be a day off, but since I haven't done anything since Thursday, I'm going to head to the Y and do some swimming, then maybe a short bike ride after I get home.
Definitely need to step it up again this week!
Posted by
1:51 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Settling in....
Kitty Bob is really settling in. Ty is getting along with him much better. They play together and the other day I caught them sleeping on the footstool together. Didn't get a picture of that, but here he is sleeping on the back of the chair.
Sacked out!
Posted by
9:38 PM
Week #2 Training....
Stepped up the training a bit this week. Thought I better get a move on if I'm really going to do this! Mon/Fri - days off
Tuesday - got to the Y about 8:30pm - swam 1200 yds and did a run/walk for 30 min. on the treadmill. I think I got just over 2 miles in.
Wednesday - Did the Irwin's ride pulling Alexa. Only got 10 miles in, but once you figure I was pulling about 50 lbs behind me and I kept it in the big ring for the duration of the ride...not bad!
Thursday - trained with the Tri group at the Y. We started with a 38 min spin class and then headed over to the track at Dowling. I only made it 3/4 mile due to major cramping in my stomach. After a little rest, we headed into the pool and I got a good 1600 yds in!
Saturday - headed over to Urbandale track on my bike, forgot that it's partly tore up, so headed over to Hoover track. Ran 1/2 mile, walked 1/4, repeat, then ran up/down the bleacher steps 6 times. Stamina is starting to get a little better, but it's still not great.
Sunday - headed north from Sycamore access to Casey's in Polk City, had a snickers and headed back. Once I got back to the Dam Hill, I turned around and went back up the hill 2 times. Would have done it a couple more, but was on a time limit. Rode for 22 miles.
All I have to say is the trail SUCKS!!! I think next time I will take roads. Trail was way too bumpy, especially when you already have weak wrists! One reason why I like riding on the road.
Every day felt GREAT! I'm really glad I signed up for this as I've been wanting to work out more and this gives me a good reason to do it. I'm already seeing a difference in how my legs and arms look. Weight is about the same, but I'm OK with that as my clothes are fitting different already. Tuesday I almost stayed home, but forced myself to get to the Y after Alexa was in bed, I'm glad I did!
Mileage update: 366 miles on the bike so far. Wish I could keep track during spin class, I'd add that in too!
Posted by
9:22 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Picture pages...picture pages...
Posted by
8:35 PM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Bike ride from Hell!
I have now dubbed the Ankeny Cycle for Sight the Bike Ride from Hell!
Last year I had to quit because of the heat and couldn't physically make it. At least last year I made it 55 miles.
This year I only managed just over 49 miles! It was so HOT and they decided to put all the big hills at the last half of the ride!
It started out really good, we had a tailwind and just cruised along at about 21mph! Once we got to the 40 mile mark, I started to lose it. We stopped at one of the little towns, reloaded our water and ate some more fruit. I didn't think I could eat so many apples and bananas in one morning! We headed back out on the road instead of taking the trail into Bondurant....BAD choice! Once we got onto J34, I believe that is the road, I made it up about 2 hills and had to stop. I felt like I was going to fall over. If you want a hill workout, go over by Minburn and find J34...I will avoid that road as much as possible!! Julie G called the Sag wagon for me and I stayed with another guy that was also needing a ride. She decided to push on. Once the wagon got us, we took the route and found Julie, she decided she was done too!
While getting a ride, Kyle called, he was trying to do the 85 mile route on a single speed and the heat was just too much for him too. We turned around and went back to find him, and had the wagon take us to Ankeny.
Once at home, about 2:30, I developed a major headache, thought I was going to puke and passed out on the bed. I woke up with a headache and tried to eat...no go. Went in and out of sleep on the couch and finally ate some pizza and breadsticks at 7:00pm. Still feeling a little dehydrated today, but much better. I even drank about 5 water bottles of water on the ride. I guess my body hates the heat!
I'll probably do it again next year, maybe I can get more riding in before so I can at least finish!!
Posted by
6:21 PM
Friday, July 06, 2007
mileage upate
Forgot to post that I am also at 277 miles for the summer. Not bad for someone just starting to get more serious and has to work around her husband's schedule!
Posted by
11:05 PM
A training update:
Monday - went out for a 1/2 hour run. I did some jog/walk intervals to help get my stamina up. Increased my jog time with walking between. My shins hate me!!
Tues/Wed - off to enjoy the Holiday. I did take Alexa to the pool, but didn't get much exercise out of it! :)
Thursday - Headed to the Y to coach swimteam. Arrived with enough time to go run on the treadmill. Got about 20 minutes in. 5 minute walk warm-up, 10 min jog, 2 min walk, 3 min jog, finish with a walk. My shins still hate me!
After coaching I had a great swim workout with the Tri group! The total yards was 2050 and I did it all in 45 minutes! I was very proud of myself!
Biking will consist of a 60 mile ride on Sunday for the Ankeny Lions Club cycle for sight.
I hope to start getting some Wed. Irwins rides in pulling Alexa to get some extra weight behind me for extra workout! It's only 10 miles with the slow group, but once I get Alexa behind me, it's a pretty good workout.
Posted by
6:55 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
A Lake and Biking weekend
The weekend started with a trip to Lake Panorama on Saturday. Our head swim coach and her family have a lake house and they host a lake party for each of our age groups. This weekend was the 9-10 age group party. I've wanted to go the last couple of years, but with bike races and other activities, it just hadn't worked out. Alexa and I had a blast and hope to make it to the 8 and under party the end of July!
Posted by
4:54 PM